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  • Wild Rose
  • Wild Rose
  • Wild Rose
  • Wild Rose

Wild Rose

This stable cotton jersey knit has a charming fusion print. Medium-size pink roses are arranged loosely over the “wild” leopard background in apricot, taupe brown, and white (Pantone® 15-1919 TPG Dianthus, 17-1928 Bubblegum, 14-1120 Apricot Illusion, 18-1112 Walnut). The largest of the roses are 2” in size. The print is not directional and has 15.25” horizontal and 11.5” vertical repeat. This knit is lightweight at 168 gsm (5 oz). It has a soft hand, full drape, and 60% stretch. It’s suitable for T-shirts, tops, gathered skirts and dresses. Cotton/Lycra. 59″ Wide. From Italy. (C-Flat)

Coordinate with Rethink Pink, Sunkissed

There is only one cut left: 2.625 yds +3”

Wild Rose is sampled in Summer II 2023 catalog