• Anemone
  • Anemone
  • Anemone
  • Anemone


Even a simplest of styles will look elegant and polished in this charming and refined print in classic colors, silk fiber content, and delicate crinkle texture. Colors include black, nimbus cloud gray, cayenne red, taupe, and apricot buff. Pattern repeat: 6.25” vertical and 4.75” horizontal. Suitable for tops, blouses, lined full skirts and dresses. Silk/Viscose. 49” wide. From Italy. (H/D)

There is only one cut left: 2.625 yds.

Anemone is sampled in Summer II 2021 catalog.

Your Price:

$22.95 /yd.

Item Number: 21-0151

Only 2.625 yd left in stock

2.625 ?
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